Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle

Allergies acute & chronic

Allergies Acute & Chronic: Halting Inflammatory Responses

Worldwide seasonal allergies range from 10 to 30% of the population and over 50 million people in the United States have allergies according to the centres of disease control and Prevention (CDC). It means that many people are reacting against harmless natural substances where suddenly everything becomes a threat.

The body processes for an allergic reaction is similar as a normal immune response to a foreign substance. The immune system recognizes an “invader” as a dangerous substance and triggers various defence mechanisms to neutralize this “troublemaker”. In the case of a flu or acute cold, this defence mechanism fulfils its purpose of protecting the body.

However, in the case of an allergy, the immune system reacts to substances that are not dangerous to the body. For many people that goes so far, that they experience an inflammatory response to external stimuli on a daily basis. These stimuli range from air born pollen to food allergens and the inflammatory response varies over a wide spectrum.

Overstimulated immune response: harmless substances become allergens

When the immune system reacts to allergens it forms antibodies (immunoglobulins). There are different immunoglobulins, but for the most common allergies the Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is the most important one. It is responsible for the allergy type 1 reactions and involves allergens like pollen, animal hair and insect toxins. But dust, creams or medications can also be allergens. The attack on the immune system would not be problematic if the resulting allergic reaction would not involve health issues and troublesome allergic symptoms.

There is not one cause for allergies and it always involves many factors. But there is one factor which is common to all allergies, that is an overwhelmed immune system. Thus, an allergic reaction implies an overstimulated immune system which evaluates harmless substances as dangerous and directs its defence mechanisms in the wrong direction.

An overstimulated immune response can result in symptoms like sneezing, rhinitis, eye or skin itching, nausea and vertigo.

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Autologous blood therapy as a useful therapeutic option

For this type of allergy just described, autologous blood therapy also called autohemotherapy is one of the proven therapy options at the Paracelsus Clinic. Especially for acute, but also chronic allergic reactions this autohemotherapy using a person’s own blood is offered. The method is also suitable for children (older than 1 year). It is an immune modulating method or a type of regulation therapy to activate the self-healing powers of the body. The aim is to educate the immune system to finetune its overreaction and to bring it back into a normal regulation mode.